A world of make-believe

It was a normal day, everyone was busy in their lives.
Suddenly, shocking news seized the attention of almost everyone in the country.
It was hard to believe that we have lost an incredible personality.
Everyone starts informing others about that atrocious news, which makes his fans numb. They started paying their tribute by posting good memories of him.
Social media has a dark side as well, which most of us know about where lives become mere post to people.
Attention seekers and social media influencers got a golden opportunity/ hot topic to convert someone’s loss into their benefits.
People were posting pictures of his dead body, as part of their efforts, which were disturbing.
Horrible!! Isn’t it?
That wasn’t enough from their point of view.
Some people used his death for publicity. Some crossed the line of human decency — they showed their acting skills enacting “how he could have died.”
Everyone became an expert of the loved actor’s life. They started explicating the reason behind his drastic step. The tools of their trade were blame-games and rumors. They used everything in their arsenal to make themselves feel and look better — better than the deceased.
Is it justified to hurt the sentiments of his family, friends and relatives by such actions?
Is it morally correct to disrespect someone when he is no longer with us, for the publicity?
Many people are demanding justice and they want the truth to prevail. In this process, they are blaming some biggies, bullying them on social media and appealing to ban them.
Even I want justice.
If they are the culprit, we have to punish them. This has to be done.
But, as an audience, didn’t we fail him and every other talented actor — whether they left the industry or took some drastic step? What are we doing to alleviate the nepotism crisis? Are we following and promoting other talented actors?
Are all of us on the same page? Do we have the authenticity to stand by our own decision? We put the big stars on the pedestal. Are we protesting just to mark our presence?
In my opinion, we all are dealing with such situations in two parts:
- When we came to know about some unfortunate cases, we flaunt how much we cared and wanted to fight against injustice, to bring a change.
- As the days go by, we get back to our older selves and start enjoying the very thing that we wanted to change.
Rarely, there will be exceptions.
It is not wrong to be a good person on the Internet. It is great that people promptly respond to social issues.
However, after completing our performances, we swamped in our lives, and start watching movies of the same actors, we wanted to ban.
We will deceive ourselves with the belief that at least we signed the petition, and did our job by putting up a tweet against the issue.
We did our part as long as it was convenient and left the rest with an excuse of uncontrollable situation
We gave ourselves the self licence that we had fought for justice. We do feel that our past good actions frees us up from doing the right thing at present.
We forget that the important question is “am I doing the right thing?” instead of “am I a good person?”
Our behavior changes subconsciously when some shocking incidents occur. Our mind tries to protect us by encouraging morality to boost our mental scoreboard.
But doing the right thing over and over again becomes difficult. Eventually, our mind finds something else to focus on as a “hot topic” and we take the leap.
In future, when similar incident will take place due to the same reasons, we will have the same reactions and close fights against the issue. Time is a flat circle.
And, life goes on.. C’est la vie.
Or is it?
“Don’t wait for opportunity, create it”- anonymous
This is the time to change the scenarios, to literally stand by our own decisions and fight against evil.
This is the time to make a better world for our next generation. We are all empowered.
Keep loving, stay connected and create a better future.
Thank you.